Can my spouse work in Sweden while I study – Studying abroad is an exciting endeavor, but it often comes with numerous logistical questions, especially for couples where one partner is accompanying the other as a student.

For individuals pursuing their education in Sweden, a common concern is whether their spouse can work while they study.

This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to help international students understand the regulations and opportunities for their spouses to work in Sweden.

Understanding the Swedish Immigration System

Before delving into the specifics of spousal employment, it’s crucial to grasp the basics of the Swedish immigration system.

Sweden has an open and inclusive immigration policy, particularly for students. International students are allowed to work part-time alongside their studies, provided they meet certain criteria.

However, the regulations for accompanying family members, including spouses, can be different. Spouses of international students are often granted residence permits, but their ability to work depends on various factors, including the type of residence permit they hold and the prevailing immigration laws.

Spousal Residence Permit: In Sweden, spouses of international students are eligible to apply for a residence permit to accompany their partner during their studies. 

This permit allows them to reside in Sweden for the duration of the student’s program. To obtain a spousal residence permit, certain requirements must be met:

Proof of Marriage: Applicants must provide evidence of a legally recognized marriage or partnership with the student.

Financial Means: The student must demonstrate sufficient financial means to support both themselves and their spouse during their stay in Sweden.

Health Insurance: Both the student and their spouse must have comprehensive health insurance coverage throughout their stay in Sweden.

Accommodation: The couple must provide evidence of suitable accommodation arrangements in Sweden.

Once these requirements are met, spouses can apply for a residence permit through the Swedish Migration Agency.

Employment Opportunities for Spouses

The ability of spouses to work in Sweden largely depends on the type of residence permit they hold. Generally, spouses accompanying students are allowed to work without restrictions.

However, there are certain nuances to consider:

Work Permit Requirement: If the spouse intends to work in Sweden, they may need to obtain a separate work permit, depending on the nature of the employment. Certain professions and industries may require specific permits or qualifications.

Language Proficiency: While Swedish language proficiency is not always a mandatory requirement for employment, it can significantly enhance job prospects, especially in sectors where communication with Swedish-speaking clients or colleagues is essential.

Job Market Conditions: The availability of job opportunities for spouses can vary depending on factors such as location, industry demand, and the individual’s qualifications and experience.

Part-Time Work: Spouses are typically permitted to work part-time while accompanying their partner who is studying in Sweden.

This allows them to contribute financially and gain valuable work experience without compromising their primary role as a supportive partner.

Support Services for Spouses: Recognizing the importance of supporting accompanying family members, many Swedish universities and organizations offer assistance and resources to help spouses integrate into the community and navigate the job market.

These support services may include:

Language Courses: Universities often provide language courses tailored to the needs of international spouses, facilitating their integration and enhancing their employability.

Career Guidance: Career centers and support networks offer guidance on job search strategies, resume writing, and interview preparation to assist spouses in securing employment opportunities.

Social Integration Programs: Social events, cultural activities, and networking opportunities are organized to help spouses connect with other expatriates and locals, fostering a sense of community and belonging.

Legal and Administrative Assistance: Guidance on visa procedures, residence permits, and other administrative matters is available to ensure that spouses have the necessary documentation to live and work in Sweden legally.

Can a spouse work on a dependent visa in Sweden?


 If you obtain a permit to work in Sweden a family member (e.g. husband/wife and unmarried children under 21) may be granted a residence permit for the same period. If you receive a permit for at least six months, members of your family can also obtain work permits.

Is spouse education free in Sweden?

Yes — You aren’t required to pay application or tuition fees. Note that being married to a Swedish citizen doesn’t automatically make you exempt from paying fees.

Who is eligible for a spouse visa in Sweden?

You may be granted a residence permit if you are married, have entered into a registered partnership, or have been cohabiting with someone who now lives in Sweden.

 Cohabiting partners are two persons who are not married but live together and have a “marriage-like” relationship with each other.

Does a baby born in Sweden get citizenship?

Children born in Sweden receive the same citizenship as their parents. If the child’s parents are citizens of a country outside the EU, the parents must apply for a residence permit for the child.

Can I take my wife to Sweden on a student visa?

Permits for family members of a person with a residence permit for studies. If you are a family member of someone who has already applied for a residence permit for studies in Sweden in higher education, you can make your application for a residence permit for the same period. You can also get a work permit.

How long does it take to bring your spouse to Sweden?

For example, the processing time for applications to move in with a spouse can take 16 months.

What is the fastest way to get Swedish citizenship?

  • By birth. A child born to at least one Swedish parent gets citizenship automatically, no matter where they were born.
  • By descent. Since April 2015, any person born to a Swedish parent obtains Swedish citizenship automatically.
  • By marriage.
  • By naturalization


While studying in Sweden as an international student, it’s entirely feasible for your spouse to work and contribute to your shared experience. 

By understanding the residency requirements, employment regulations, and available support services, couples can navigate the process smoothly and make the most of their time in Sweden. 

With careful planning and proactive engagement, accompanying spouses can enrich their stay in Sweden by immersing themselves in the vibrant culture and dynamic workforce of this Scandinavian nation.





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